Sunday, March 14, 2010

The real threats

The real treats to our freedom do not come from Democrats, Republicians or even congress in general. We are threatened by the SEIU, ACORN, the ACLU, and the JUDICARY.
One of the founders of the ACLU was Norman Thomas, who ran for president on the Socialist ticket. They have worked  to destroy our way of life because they believe that capitalism is inherently bad because some people fare better then others. They believe that all people should have the same standard of living (except for the top dog socialists, of course).
The union bosses of th SEIU want all government employees to join union pay dues to them and be subjected to their rules. Promotions will be based upon their rules and not ability or performance. The union bosses will be amply rewarded, of course.
ACORN'S role is to provide the foot soldiers to reach the goals of the ELITEIST, or ruling class. They will entice the non-productive class or have-nots to support them by promising to turn them into the ENTITLEMENT class. Of course, no socialist government will continue to support the non-productive class. History has proved this time and time again. After the Soviets liquidated the kulaks. they eradicated the non-productive and rebellious members of their society. The remainder of the population existed only to serve the ruling class.
The JUDICARY will serve only to remove any rights of the population. The ELITES have no regard for them, as shown by OBAMA at his state of the union adress to congress.
Obama does not need the CBC because he has the support of 96% of the black population. He has dissed them already. The unions, judicary, entitlement class and community organizers will also be gobbled up. Their enemy list is being drawn up. We are on it.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Harry Reid to QUIT!

You heard it here first. Harry Reid will not run for reelection. He has had a long career of public service. He has never worked for a private employer. He has never employed anyone. He has always received public money. He is a prime example of the elites that form our ruling class.
He is about to get fired. No one wants to be fired, least of all a member of the ruling class. His disapproval ratings are far below his approval. There is no way that he can be reelected.
His wife of 50 years has just had a very serious accident.
Harry will jump at the chance to use this incident to quit public life without the disgrace of being fired. You heard it here first. He knows that he cannot survive JUDGEMENT DAY on November 2, 2010.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It is time for a Change

My favorite president is Harry Truman. I did vote for Ronald Reagan. I did like Clinton. I did not trust Gore. I did not vote in '08. I have never donated to a political campaign. This year I will vote for whoever is supported by the tea party movement. The current administration is not trying to govern the country. They promised a change from the excess spending of the last republican administration. They are just trying to control the country. The working class and the investing class must unite. All goods and services are produced by labor and capital. We do not need nor do we want the ruling class to use the entitlement class to gain control over our labor and capital.